Monday, March 14, 2011

Middleton Place


  • America's oldest formal landscaped gardens.
  • Henry Middleton was president of the first continental congress.
  • His son Arthur was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Henry Middleton acquired the property when he married Mary Williams, the estate was apart of her dowry.
  • Many Landscape Architecture Historians today consider the style embraced by Middleton to be a missing link between the 17th and 18th centuries in landscape design-between the geometrically precise French and the free and Romantic English Landscape Doctrines.
  • The formal influence can be seen in the remains of the mount, bowling green, reflecting pool, and formally laid out flower beds.
  • Middleton and Slaves worked on the garden for 10 years.
  • Known as an "organic historical document".
  • Henry Middleton II was friends with Andre Michaux who donated the first 4 camellias to the property.
  • Henry's son, Williams did the Azalea plantings that were popular before the civil war.
During Visit:

  • Formal but very open English feel.
  • Reflection pool at entrance.
  • The ruins-->the main dwelling, built early in the 18th century and the north flanker were burned by union troops.
  • The house museum. 
  • Spring House and plantation chapel.
  • South green walk.
  • Parterre, Terraces and butterfly lakes.
  • "Reine des fleurs."
  • Octagonal sunken garden.
  • Arthur Middleton's tomb.
  • Camellia allees.
  • Secret gardens.
  • Giant crepe myrtle.
  • Cypress lake.
  • Flooded rice fields.
  • woods walk.
  • woods nymph.
  • Rice Mill.
  • Middleton oak.
  • Sundial and rose garden.
  • Azalea hillside.
  • Sugar cane mill.
  • Rice mill pond bridge.
Plant List:

  • Camellia sinensis
  • yellowwood tree
  • Camellia japonica
  • Camellia sasanqua
  • Crepe myrtle
  • Italian cypress
  • oaks
  • ivy
  • azalea
  • boxwood
  • creeping fig
  • pansy
  • rosemary
  • saw palmetto
Circulation: tabby walk, chapel hill granite, stone, concrete
Essence: Formal with wide open english feel


  • Did not appreciate all the muddy paths.
  • Enjoyed the nursery they have as always.
  • Tucked away statues that peek out throughout numerous places in the garden.
  • Very open as compared to magnolia gardens.
  • wildlife--->sheep, goats, swans

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