Saturday, March 5, 2011

Callaway Gardens

Callaway Gardens 17800 Highway 27, Pine Mountain, GA 31822
admission ---> $18


  • Conceived and created by Cason J. Callaway and his wife, Virginia Hand Callaway.
  • Mission: "Callaway gardens a man-made landscape in a unique natural setting, was conceived and created by Cason J. Callaway and his wife, Virginia Hand Callaway, for the benefit of mankind.  The purpose is to provide a wholesome family environment where all may find beauty, relaxation, inspiration and a better understanding of the living world."
  • Callaway was wealthy but believed in generosity, philanthropy and altruism.
  • He was an astute and practical business man.
  • Decided to use Pine Mountain as his project.
  • Pine Mountain is 1300ft above sea level and some geologist say it could possibly be the oldest land on the North American Continent and is located at the tailbone of the Appalachains. 
  • Rhododendron prunifolium is the star plant and is located only within a 100 mile radius of Blue Springs.
  • He Purchased Blue Springs and 3000 surrounding acres.
  • In 1938 he purchased an additional 9000 acres.
  • His wife wanted Magnolias so he planted her 5000!!
  • He also planted 700,000 pines and created 13 lakes.
  • Also created a formal entryway, golf course, butterfly garden and vegetable garden.

During Visit:
     John A. Sibley Horticultural Center:
  • inside very tropical
  • beautiful array of plants
  • indoor fountain
  • soften edges with plants 
  • stone walls with tucked in plants (array of plant sizes cacti floral succulent fern)
  • large bananas
  • birds of paradise 
  • waterfall to bottom story 
  • espalier vines 
  • mondo and maranta bed
  • numerous seating 
  • plant layers
              outdoor area:
  • large green 
  • succulent area in pebble bed
  • flushes of colors in bands
  • sculpture area (modern with orange benches)
  • koi ponds
  • kids maze 
  • swings with vines 
  • swan sculpture
  • circulation: bridges, concreter, large brick pavers on grass 
Butterfly center:
  • circulation: stone in concrete, brick, cobble, woodchip
  • white swings pop with vines
  • pews 
  • entry: flush of colors with boxwoods hiding a pond with a statue in back
  • winding paths
  • statue is a tribute to the phases of the butterfly

  • butterfly hatchery
  • humid
  • nectar producing species
  • lots of plant layers
Mr.Cason's Vegetable Garden:

  • circulation: wood chip, chapel hill granite, stone
  • zen view entry way
  • burford holly hedge with swath of color
  • arbors
  • long view to house
  • potted plants in herb garden 
  • muscadine arbors
  • genstone seats and metal arbor seats with muscadine vines
Victory Garden:

  • two chairs in house view 
  • fence detail 
  • metal arbor over koi pond
  • l shaped bench
  • terraces
  • arbors with large hanging baskets
  • metal to train vines (muscadine seats)

Plant List:

  • narcissus
  • hyacinth
  • tulip 
  • pines

  • burford holly
  • muscadine 
  • cherry 
  • rosemary
  • crape myrtle
  • boxwood
  • hyacinth
  • magnolia
  • dusty miller
  • pansy
  • azalea
  • tulip
  • Japanese maple
  • agave
  • succulents
  • redbud
  • khale
  • buddist pine
  • mahonia 
  • river birch
  • fatsia
  • pieris 
  • bald cypress
  • iris
  • creeping fig
  • equisetum
  • loropetalum
  • clematis
  • wisteria
  • star magnolia
  • saucer magnolia
  • italian cypress
  • sweetbox
  • chinonanthus x praecox
  • eucalyptus

  • tropicals
  • croton
  • pothos
  • ivy
  • sprengeri fern
  • palms
  • benjamin fig
  • sago palm
  • corn plant
  • windmill palm
  • dracaena
  • fishtail palm
  • birds nest fern
  • verbena
  • elephant ear
  • sedum
  • palmetto
  • bird of paradise
  • cactus
  • christmas cactus
  • mondo grass
  • bleeding heart
  • banana
  • mimosa
  • verbena
  • prayer plant 
  • foxtail
  • pom pom bush
  • coleus

  • large sweeps of color
  • childs maze
  • koi pond
  • seating arbors
  • paths 
  • terraces
  • layers
Essence: learning garden with a southern kick


  • get a map
  • no complaints
  • really big
  • lots to see
  • use a whole day
  • numerous patterns 
  • learning garden

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