Monday, March 14, 2011

Old Salem

Old Salem Museums & Gardens 600 South Main St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101


  • Cape Fear Bank Garden:  - served the banker and family   -planted in 1847   -less emphasis on vegetables and more on ornamental
  • Leinbach Garden:  -Shoemaker  -apprentices worked in garden  -1822  -terraces  -kept a garden journal
  • Levering Gardens:  -small  -1820  -arbor with catawba grapes
  • Miksch Garden:   -1782  -espailered pears and peaches  -herb borders
  • Triebel Garden: -early garden plan and plant list of the upland garden at Bethabra  -rows are laid out diagonal
  • Single Brother's Garden:  -newest addition  -1769 single brothers choir made a large terrace behind house  -45 years provided sustenance   -1823 single brothers disbanded
  • Volger Garden:  -1840  -tomatoes grow here after 1830 - vegetables and flowers
During Visit:

  • Nothing to see here
  • Not southern at all
  • All production garden
  • Colonial life seems boring
Plant List:

  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Rosemary
  • Peach
  • Cherry
  • Plum
  • Grape vine
  • Ivy
  • Lavender
  • crepe myrtle
Essence: Colonial production
Circulation: stone and brick

Post Visit:

  • I will not be going here again
  • Gardens barren
  • Nothing to see
  • Food not as good as I remember
  • Field trip in elementary school was enough for me

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